Alex Noriega 暖心圖文


Alex Noriega這個插畫家過去因為女友的關係來過台灣,面對台灣各種新鮮的事物他也透過他的畫筆告訴讀者,他喜歡上台灣的各種原因。


  1. 你領的薪水無法決定你人有多好 (You salary doesn’t determine how good of a person you are)
  2. 同一件事有不有趣,是相對的概念 (Fun is a relative concept)
  3. 花太多時間思考同一個難題,並不會讓它變得容易解決 (Thinking too much about a problem won’t make it necessarily easier to solve)
  4. 成功意義,與你不同。請尊重這點 (Being successful means something different to each person)
  5. 你不是特別懶散,你只是哺乳類動物 (You are not especially lazy…You are just a mammal)
  6.  有些看似很有趣的人,其實他們對人生毫無頭緒…(Some of the most interesting people I know, don’t know what to do with their lives)
  7. 那些說不出口的事,往往都是相當重要的!(Things that hard to say, are usually the most important)
  8.  不要覺得自己奇怪,每個人都覺得自己跟別人不一樣 (You are not as weird as you think you are.  Everyone feels a little different than the rest)
  9. 做你覺得對的事,不需要總是經過別人允許 (You don’t need anyone’s permission to do what you feel is right.  For you…)
  10. 你的家庭問題,不是你的問題 (Your family problems aren’t yours)
  11. 「睡覺」很健康,而且不費吹灰之力 (Sleeping is the healthiest thing you can do without doing anything)
  12.  說聲「嗨!」是對抗沈默做好的方法 (“Hello” is the most powerful word against loneliness)
  13. 接受你可能會失敗的事實,事情會容易許多 (Accept the fact that you will screw up while trying to come up with something new, and it will be a lot easier)
  14.  當一個普通的「正常人」可能是你曾經試過最遜的事!(Being normal is probably the lamest thing you can try to be)
  15. 既然無法讓恐懼感消失,就學習跟它和平共處吧!(You can get rid of your fears…but you can learn to live with them)





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